Kaptain new song

You're looking for a new song by Kaptain!

Kaptain is a popular Indian music producer and DJ, known for his energetic and catchy tracks. Here are a few of his latest songs:

  1. "Kabhi Kabhi" (feat. Aastha Gill) - A fun, upbeat track with a catchy chorus and a blend of electronic and pop elements.
  2. "Mere Bina" (feat. Raja Kumari) - A high-energy dance track with a strong beat and infectious hooks.
  3. "Tere Liye" (feat. Akasa Singh) - A romantic, melodic track with a soothing melody and heartfelt lyrics.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. Let me know if you'd like more recommendations or have a specific genre in mind!