Kansiime anne new videos

Kansiime Anne is a popular Ugandan comedian and actress known for her hilarious skits and parodies. Here are some of her latest videos:

Recent Videos:

  1. "I'm a Witch" - A hilarious skit where Kansiime Anne plays a witch who is trying to cast a spell on her husband. (Uploaded on March 22, 2023)
  2. "How to Cook Ugandan Food" - A funny cooking tutorial where Kansiime Anne shows us how to prepare some traditional Ugandan dishes. (Uploaded on February 25, 2023)
  3. "I'm a Doctor" - A parody where Kansiime Anne plays a doctor who is trying to diagnose her patients with ridiculous illnesses. (Uploaded on January 28, 2023)
  4. "How to Deal with a Cheating Partner" - A relatable skit where Kansiime Anne shares her advice on how to handle a cheating partner. (Uploaded on December 18, 2022)
  5. "I'm a Teacher" - A funny skit where Kansiime Anne plays a teacher who is trying to teach her students some important life lessons. (Uploaded on November 20, 2022)

Popular Videos:

  1. "I'm a Wife" - A hilarious skit where Kansiime Anne plays a wife who is trying to navigate her marriage. (Uploaded on August 15, 2022)
  2. "How to Deal with a Difficult Mother-in-Law" - A relatable skit where Kansiime Anne shares her advice on how to handle a difficult mother-in-law. (Uploaded on July 10, 2022)
  3. "I'm a Student" - A funny skit where Kansiime Anne plays a student who is trying to navigate university life. (Uploaded on June 12, 2022)
  4. "How to Cook for a Large Family" - A cooking tutorial where Kansiime Anne shows us how to prepare a meal for a large family. (Uploaded on May 15, 2022)
  5. "I'm a Businesswoman" - A parody where Kansiime Anne plays a businesswoman who is trying to make it big in the corporate world. (Uploaded on April 17, 2022)

You can find all of Kansiime Anne's videos on her official YouTube channel, Kansiime Anne.