Kano plans law to stop indiscriminate felling of trees

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a development in Kano State, Nigeria. Here's a summary of the plan:

The Kano State Government has proposed a law to curb the indiscriminate felling of trees in the state. The law, which is still in the draft stage, aims to protect the state's forests and ensure sustainable forest management.

According to reports, the proposed law will make it mandatory for individuals and organizations to obtain permits before cutting down trees. The law will also establish a forestry department to regulate the harvesting of trees and ensure that only certified sustainable forest products are sold in the market.

The Kano State Government has cited the importance of forests in maintaining the state's ecosystem, providing livelihoods for communities, and supporting biodiversity. The government has also expressed concerns about the negative impacts of deforestation, including soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.

The proposed law is seen as a step towards addressing the environmental challenges facing the state and promoting sustainable development. It is expected to be presented to the Kano State House of Assembly for approval soon.

What do you think about this development? Do you think the law will be effective in addressing the issue of deforestation in Kano State?