Kano pdp news

Here are some recent news updates from Kano State, Nigeria, related to the People's Democratic Party (PDP):

Kano PDP Crisis Deepens as Factional Leaders Clash

A factional leader of the PDP in Kano State, Shehu Sagagi, has accused the party's state chairman, Abdullahi Sabo, of being responsible for the party's woes in the state. Sagagi claimed that Sabo was working against the party's interests and was not doing enough to strengthen the party's structure in the state. (Source: Daily Trust, March 2023)

Kano PDP Chieftain Defects to APC

A prominent chieftain of the PDP in Kano State, Alhaji Suleiman Yahaya, has defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC). Yahaya, who was a former member of the Kano State House of Assembly, cited the PDP's internal crisis and lack of unity as reasons for his defection. (Source: Vanguard, February 2023)

Kano PDP Calls for Probe of Alleged Misappropriation of Funds

The Kano State PDP has called for an investigation into alleged misappropriation of funds by the state government. The party accused the government of misusing funds meant for development projects and called for the prosecution of those found guilty. (Source: Leadership, January 2023)

Kano PDP Chairman Sacked

The Kano State PDP has sacked its state chairman, Abdullahi Sabo, following a crisis within the party. Sabo was accused of being involved in a factional dispute and was replaced by a new chairman, who is expected to stabilize the party. (Source: The Nation, December 2022)

Kano PDP Loses Another Member to APC

A member of the Kano State PDP, Alhaji Sani Danlawan, has defected to the APC. Danlawan, who was a former member of the Kano State House of Assembly, cited the PDP's internal crisis and lack of unity as reasons for his defection. (Source: Daily Post, November 2022)

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.