Kano news paper

You're looking for news from Kano, Nigeria! Here are some popular news sources from Kano:

  1. Daily Trust: A leading Nigerian newspaper with a Kano edition, covering local and national news.
  2. The Guardian Nigeria: Another prominent Nigerian newspaper with a Kano edition, featuring news, sports, and entertainment.
  3. Leadership Newspaper: A Nigerian newspaper with a Kano edition, covering politics, business, and social issues.
  4. The Nation Newspaper: A Nigerian newspaper with a Kano edition, featuring news, sports, and opinion pieces.
  5. Kano State Government Website: The official website of the Kano State Government, featuring news, announcements, and updates on state activities.
  6. Kano Online News: A popular online news platform focused on Kano State, covering news, sports, and entertainment.
  7. Daily Nigerian: A Nigerian online news platform with a Kano edition, featuring news, sports, and opinion pieces.
  8. Kano Times: A local online news platform focused on Kano State, covering news, sports, and entertainment.

These are just a few examples of the many news sources available from Kano. You can also search for online news platforms, social media groups, and blogs that focus on Kano State for more information.