Kano business community says eco not feasible for now

It seems like you're referring to a news article or report about the Kano business community's stance on the Ecocity (Eco) concept. Here's a summary:

The Kano business community has expressed concerns that the Ecocity (Eco) concept is not feasible for implementation in the state at the moment. According to reports, the business community believes that the project's high cost, lack of infrastructure, and limited resources make it difficult to implement the Eco concept in Kano.

The Ecocity concept aims to create sustainable and environmentally friendly cities by incorporating green technologies, renewable energy, and eco-friendly infrastructure. However, the Kano business community feels that the state is not yet ready to adopt such a concept, citing the need for more investment in infrastructure, education, and training.

It's worth noting that the Kano state government has been promoting the Ecocity concept as part of its development plans, with the aim of creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly city. However, the business community's concerns highlight the challenges and complexities involved in implementing such a project.

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