Kannywood news update

Kannywood is the Hausa film industry based in Kano, Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates from the industry:

New Movies

  1. "Gyara" - a romantic comedy starring Ali Nuhu and Sadiq Sani Sadiq.
  2. "Kwana" - a drama starring Yakubu Mohammed and Sadiq Sani Sadiq.
  3. "Mai Girma" - a thriller starring Ali Nuhu and Jamila Nagudu.

Awards and Nominations

  1. The 2022 Kannywood Awards held recently, with Ali Nuhu winning the Best Actor award for his role in "Gyara".
  2. Sadiq Sani Sadiq was nominated for Best Actor for his role in "Kwana".

Industry Developments

  1. The Kano State Government has announced plans to establish a film village in the state to promote the growth of the Kannywood industry.
  2. The Nigerian Film Corporation (NFC) has launched a new initiative to promote the development of the film industry in the country, including Kannywood.

Celebrity News

  1. Ali Nuhu, one of the most popular actors in Kannywood, has announced that he will be releasing a new album soon.
  2. Sadiq Sani Sadiq has been appointed as the new ambassador for a popular brand in Nigeria.


  1. There has been a controversy surrounding the use of fake subtitles in some Kannywood movies, with some fans calling for the practice to be stopped.
  2. A dispute has arisen between two popular actors, Ali Nuhu and Yakubu Mohammed, over a movie they both starred in.

These are just a few of the latest news updates from the Kannywood industry.