Kannywood breaking news

Kannywood is the Hausa film industry based in Kano, Nigeria. Here are some recent breaking news and updates from the industry:

Latest News

  1. New Movie Release: The highly anticipated movie "Gyara" starring Ali Nuhu and Sadiq Sani Sadiq has been released in cinemas across the country.
  2. Award Winner: Popular actress, Aisha Tsamiya, has won the Best Actress award at the just concluded Kannywood Awards.
  3. New Production House: A new production house, "Kannywood Productions", has been launched in Kano, promising to bring fresh and exciting content to the industry.
  4. Collaboration with Nollywood: Kannywood producers have announced a collaboration with Nollywood producers to create a new series of movies that will be released in both Hausa and English languages.
  5. Actress's Birthday Celebration: Popular actress, Fatima Aliyu, celebrated her birthday with a grand party attended by colleagues and fans.

Upcoming Movies

  1. "Kasar Miji": A new movie starring Ali Nuhu and Maryam Booth is set to be released soon.
  2. "Gidan Dabo": A romantic comedy starring Sadiq Sani Sadiq and Aisha Tsamiya is also set to be released soon.
  3. "Watau": A new movie starring Adam A. Zango and Hafsat Idris is currently in production and expected to be released soon.

Industry News

  1. Kannywood Awards: The Kannywood Awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to the industry, will be held in December.
  2. New Talent Discovery: A new talent discovery program has been launched to identify and nurture new talent in the industry.
  3. Industry Summit: A summit has been organized to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the Kannywood industry.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the Kannywood industry. Stay tuned for more updates!