Kadunas commissioner education prof nok dead

I'm so sorry to hear that Professor Nok, the Commissioner of Education in Kaduna State, has passed away. Losing a dedicated public servant and educator is a significant loss to the state and the education sector as a whole.

Professor Nok was known for his tireless efforts to improve the education system in Kaduna State, and his passing leaves a void that will be difficult to fill. His contributions to education and his commitment to the development of the state's education sector will not be forgotten.

My condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues who are mourning his loss. May his legacy continue to inspire and motivate others to work towards a better education system for the people of Kaduna State.

Can you tell me more about Professor Nok's achievements and contributions to education in Kaduna State? I'd like to learn more about his impact and legacy.