Kaduna news on teachers

Here are some recent news articles and updates on teachers in Kaduna State, Nigeria:

  1. Kaduna State Government to Employ 5,000 New Teachers (Source: Daily Trust, March 2023)

The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to employ 5,000 new teachers to address the shortage of teachers in the state's public schools. The government has also promised to provide training and capacity building for existing teachers.

  1. Teachers in Kaduna State Protest Over Unpaid Salaries (Source: Vanguard, February 2023)

Teachers in Kaduna State have protested over unpaid salaries, with some teachers claiming they have not received salaries for up to 12 months. The teachers' union has called on the government to address the issue.

  1. Kaduna State Government to Introduce New Curriculum for Teachers (Source: Leadership, January 2023)

The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to introduce a new curriculum for teachers in the state. The curriculum is designed to improve the quality of education in the state and make teachers more effective in the classroom.

  1. Teachers in Kaduna State to Benefit from N-Power Programme (Source: Punch, December 2022)

The Kaduna State Government has announced that teachers in the state will benefit from the N-Power programme, a federal government initiative aimed at empowering young Nigerians. The programme will provide training and capacity building for teachers in the state.

  1. Kaduna State Government to Establish New Teachers' Training College (Source: Daily Independent, November 2022)

The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to establish a new teachers' training college in the state. The college will provide training and capacity building for teachers in the state and help to address the shortage of qualified teachers.

  1. Teachers in Kaduna State Protest Over Poor Working Conditions (Source: The Nation, October 2022)

Teachers in Kaduna State have protested over poor working conditions, including inadequate infrastructure and lack of basic amenities. The teachers' union has called on the government to address the issue.

  1. Kaduna State Government to Provide Free Education for All (Source: Premium Times, September 2022)

The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to provide free education for all children in the state. The government has also promised to provide training and capacity building for teachers to ensure that they are equipped to deliver quality education.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates on teachers in Kaduna State. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it.