Kabul afghanistan taliban news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Kabul, Afghanistan, and the Taliban:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Taliban Claim Responsibility for Kabul Bombing (Al Jazeera, August 2022): The Taliban has claimed responsibility for a bombing in Kabul that killed at least 12 people and injured many more.
  2. Kabul Under Siege as Taliban Advances (The New York Times, August 2022): The Taliban has launched a major offensive on Kabul, with reports of heavy fighting and civilian casualties.
  3. Afghanistan's Capital City Kabul Under Attack (BBC News, August 2022): The Taliban has launched a major attack on Kabul, with reports of intense fighting and explosions in the city.
  4. Taliban Seize Key Districts in Kabul Province (Reuters, July 2022): The Taliban has seized several key districts in Kabul province, including the provincial capital, as part of its ongoing offensive.
  5. Kabul Residents Flee as Taliban Advances (The Guardian, July 2022): Thousands of residents of Kabul have fled the city as the Taliban advances, with many seeking shelter in neighboring countries.

Taliban Updates:

  1. Taliban Claims Control of 85% of Afghanistan (Tolo News, August 2022): The Taliban has claimed that it now controls 85% of Afghanistan, with its forces advancing rapidly across the country.
  2. Taliban Appoints New Governor for Kabul Province (Pajhwok Afghan News, July 2022): The Taliban has appointed a new governor for Kabul province, as part of its efforts to consolidate its control over the country.
  3. Taliban Imposes Strict Rules in Kabul (The Diplomat, July 2022): The Taliban has imposed strict rules in Kabul, including a ban on women working outside the home and a requirement for men to wear beards.

Humanitarian Crisis:

  1. UN Warns of Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan (UN News, August 2022): The United Nations has warned of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, with millions of people in need of aid and protection.
  2. Afghanistan's Humanitarian Crisis Deepens (The Guardian, July 2022): The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has deepened, with millions of people facing food shortages, displacement, and other crises.
  3. Kabul's Hospitals Overwhelmed with Patients (Al Jazeera, July 2022): Hospitals in Kabul are overwhelmed with patients, including many who have been injured in the fighting between the Taliban and government forces.

International Response:

  1. US and EU Impose Sanctions on Taliban (Reuters, August 2022): The United States and European Union have imposed sanctions on the Taliban, including freezing its assets and banning its leaders from traveling.
  2. International Community Condemns Taliban's Advances (BBC News, July 2022): The international community has condemned the Taliban's advances in Afghanistan, with many countries calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
  3. Afghanistan's Neighbors Offer Aid and Refuge (The Diplomat, July 2022): Afghanistan's neighbors, including Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey, have offered aid and refuge to those fleeing the conflict.

Please note that the situation in Afghanistan is rapidly changing, and these articles and updates may not reflect the current situation.