K1 de ultimate slaps a photographer video

It seems like you're referring to a popular video of K1 De Ultimate, a Nigerian comedian, slapping a photographer in a humorous skit.

For those who may not be familiar, K1 De Ultimate is a well-known Nigerian comedian and actor who is known for his hilarious skits and parodies. In this particular video, he plays the role of a celebrity who is being photographed by a paparazzo (photographer). The comedian's character becomes frustrated with the photographer's constant snapping and decides to take matters into his own hands, slapping the photographer in the process.

The video has gone viral and has been widely shared on social media platforms, with many people enjoying the comedic relief it provides. It's a great example of how humor can be used to poke fun at ourselves and the absurdities of life.

Would you like to know more about K1 De Ultimate or his other skits?