Justin bieber new look

You're referring to Justin Bieber's recent transformation!

Justin Bieber has undergone a significant change in his appearance over the past few years. Here are some key changes:

  1. Hair: He's gone from having a messy, shaggy haircut to a sleek, shorter style. His hair is now often styled with a fade or undercut.
  2. Beard: Bieber has sported a beard on and off over the years, but it's become a more consistent part of his look. He's tried different styles, from a short, scruffy beard to a longer, fuller one.
  3. Facial hair: Along with his beard, he's also grown a mustache and sometimes sports a goatee.
  4. Eyebrows: His eyebrows have become thicker and more defined, giving him a more mature look.
  5. Skin: Bieber has been open about his struggles with acne and skin issues in the past. However, he's made significant improvements, and his skin now looks healthier and clearer.
  6. Fitness: He's been working out regularly, which has helped him achieve a more toned and athletic physique.
  7. Style: Bieber's fashion sense has evolved, and he's now often seen wearing more stylish and sophisticated outfits, including suits, dress shirts, and designer clothing.

Here are some recent photos that showcase his new look:

What do you think of Justin Bieber's new look?