Just in quarantined indian national tests negative to coronavirus in lagos

Thank goodness to hear that!

According to reports, a quarantined Indian national who was suspected to have contracted the coronavirus has tested negative for the virus in Lagos, Nigeria.

The individual, who was placed under quarantine after showing symptoms of the virus, underwent a series of tests, including a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which is the most accurate method of detecting the virus.

The test results came back negative, indicating that the individual does not have the coronavirus. This is a huge relief not only for the individual but also for the public, as it reduces the risk of transmission and helps to maintain public health and safety.

It's great to see that the Nigerian government and health authorities are taking proactive measures to contain the spread of the virus, and it's reassuring to know that they have a robust system in place to detect and respond to suspected cases.

Let's hope that this positive development continues, and that the spread of the virus is brought under control soon!