Julian assange london court holds hearing on extradition

You're referring to the recent development in the Julian Assange case!

On February 24, 2020, a London court held a hearing on the extradition of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, to the United States. Here's a brief summary of the proceedings:

Background: In 2019, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Assange with 17 counts related to the publication of classified information, including espionage and computer hacking. The charges stem from WikiLeaks' publication of classified documents in 2010 and 2011, including the Iraq War Logs and the Cablegate cables.

The Hearing: The hearing at the Old Bailey court in London was to determine whether Assange should be extradited to the US to face trial. The hearing was attended by Assange, his legal team, and representatives from the US government.

Arguments: The prosecution, led by James Lewis QC, argued that Assange's actions were a serious breach of national security and that he should be extradited to face trial in the US. The defense, led by Edward Fitzgerald QC, argued that Assange's actions were protected by freedom of speech and that the US charges were politically motivated.

Key Points:

  1. Assange's Health: The defense raised concerns about Assange's mental and physical health, citing his struggles with depression, anxiety, and a chronic lung condition. The prosecution disputed these claims, saying that Assange was receiving adequate medical care in the UK.
  2. Political Motivation: The defense argued that the US charges against Assange were politically motivated, aimed at silencing a whistleblower and intimidating others from revealing government secrets. The prosecution denied this, saying that the charges were based on Assange's actions, not his political beliefs.
  3. Extradition Treaty: The defense argued that the US-UK extradition treaty did not apply to Assange's case, as he was not a US citizen and did not commit the alleged crimes in the US. The prosecution countered that the treaty did apply, as the alleged crimes were committed in the US and the US government had jurisdiction.

Next Steps: The judge, Vanessa Baraitser, will now consider the arguments presented and make a decision on whether Assange should be extradited to the US. The decision is expected to be made in the coming weeks or months.

This is a developing story, and I'll be happy to provide updates as more information becomes available!