Judiciary workers join minimum wage nationwide strike #

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or development. Here's a summary:

Judiciary workers in Nigeria have joined the nationwide strike called by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to demand a new minimum wage. The strike, which began on September 28, 2020, is aimed at pushing the government to increase the minimum wage from N18,000 (approximately $49) to N30,000 (approximately $82) per month.

The judiciary workers, who are members of the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN), are joining the strike to demand better working conditions, improved salaries, and the implementation of the new minimum wage. The strike has affected court operations across the country, with many courts unable to function as usual.

The TUC, which is the umbrella body for labor unions in Nigeria, has given the government a 14-day ultimatum to respond to its demands. If the government fails to meet the demands, the TUC has threatened to embark on a nationwide strike.

The minimum wage strike is a significant development in Nigeria, as it affects not only judiciary workers but also other public sector employees who are demanding better working conditions and improved salaries. The strike has also sparked concerns about the potential impact on the country's economy and the delivery of essential services.

I hope this summary helps!