Joshua harris latest news

Joshua Harris is a Christian author, speaker, and former pastor who gained popularity with his book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" in 1997. He has been involved in various projects and initiatives over the years, and here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

  1. Retirement from public ministry: In 2019, Joshua Harris announced that he was retiring from public ministry and would no longer be speaking or writing. He cited a desire to focus on his family and personal life.
  2. Book retraction: In 2019, Harris retracted his book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and apologized for any harm it may have caused. He stated that he no longer believed in the ideas presented in the book and that it was not a healthy or biblical approach to relationships.
  3. Marriage and family: Harris has been married to Shannon Macken since 2006, and they have three children together. In 2020, he shared on social media that he and his wife were going through a difficult time in their marriage and were seeking counseling.
  4. New book: In 2020, Harris released a new book titled "Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, Strategic Prayer". The book focuses on the importance of prayer in a woman's life and provides practical tips and strategies for developing a deeper prayer life.
  5. Speaking engagements: Although Harris has retired from public ministry, he has made occasional appearances at events and conferences. In 2020, he spoke at the Q Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where he discussed topics such as prayer, relationships, and spiritual growth.
  6. Social media presence: Harris is active on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, where he shares updates about his life, family, and spiritual journey. He often uses his platforms to share biblical insights, personal stories, and encouragement to his followers.

Overall, Joshua Harris has been focusing on his family, personal life, and spiritual growth in recent years, while also continuing to share his thoughts and insights with his audience through various channels.