Jos trade fair exhibitors decry toilets poor sanitary condition

Headline: "Jos Trade Fair Exhibitors Decry Poor Sanitary Condition of Toilets"

Subheading: "Visitors and exhibitors at the ongoing Jos Trade Fair in Plateau State are expressing frustration over the deplorable state of the toilets, calling for immediate attention to the issue."

Jos, Plateau State - The ongoing Jos Trade Fair, which is expected to attract thousands of visitors and exhibitors, has been marred by the poor sanitary condition of the toilets. Exhibitors and visitors alike have expressed frustration and disappointment over the deplorable state of the toilets, calling for immediate attention to the issue.

According to reports, the toilets at the fairground are in a state of disrepair, with overflowing sewage, broken toilets, and inadequate water supply. Many exhibitors have taken to social media to express their disgust and frustration over the situation, with some even threatening to withdraw from the fair if the issue is not addressed.

"I am shocked and disappointed by the state of the toilets at the Jos Trade Fair," said Mrs. Jane Musa, an exhibitor from Abuja. "As a business owner, I expect a certain level of hygiene and cleanliness, especially in a public place like this. The condition of the toilets is unacceptable and it's a shame that the organizers have not taken steps to address the issue."

Another exhibitor, Mr. Emmanuel Okoro, from Lagos, echoed similar sentiments. "I have been to many trade fairs in my career, but I have never seen toilets in such a deplorable state. It's a health hazard and a major turn-off for visitors. I hope the organizers take immediate action to rectify the situation."

The Jos Trade Fair, which is being organized by the Plateau State Government, is expected to attract thousands of visitors and exhibitors from across the country. The fair, which is aimed at promoting trade and commerce in the state, has been plagued by several issues, including poor infrastructure and inadequate security.

In response to the complaints, the organizers of the fair have promised to take immediate action to address the issue. "We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the poor sanitary condition of the toilets," said a spokesperson for the fair. "We are working to rectify the situation and ensure that the toilets are clean and hygienic for the remainder of the fair."

The organizers have also promised to provide additional toilets and improve the overall sanitary condition of the fairground. However, many exhibitors and visitors are skeptical about the effectiveness of these measures, given the poor state of the toilets so far.

The Jos Trade Fair is expected to continue until the end of the week, and it remains to be seen whether the organizers will be able to address the issue of the poor sanitary condition of the toilets.