Jos crisis news

You're looking for news related to the Jos crisis. Here are some recent updates:

Latest Developments:

  1. Violence in Jos kills 10: At least 10 people were killed and several others injured in a series of attacks in Jos, the capital of Plateau State, Nigeria. The attacks occurred on Sunday, March 12, 2023, and were blamed on suspected herdsmen. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Plateau State government imposes curfew: In response to the violence, the Plateau State government has imposed a 24-hour curfew on Jos and its environs. The curfew took effect on Monday, March 13, 2023. (Source: Vanguard News)
  3. Nigerian military deploys troops to Jos: The Nigerian military has deployed troops to Jos to maintain peace and order in the city. The deployment was announced by the Nigerian Army on Monday, March 13, 2023. (Source: Premium Times)


The Jos crisis refers to a series of violent conflicts between farmers and herdsmen in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. The conflicts have been ongoing for several years and have resulted in the loss of many lives and property.

Causes of the Crisis:

The Jos crisis is often attributed to competition for resources, land, and water between farmers and herdsmen. The conflict has also been fueled by ethnic and religious tensions between the Hausa-Fulani and Berom communities in the region.


The Jos crisis has had significant consequences for the people of Plateau State, including:

  1. Loss of lives: Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict.
  2. Displacement: Many people have been forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in camps or other parts of the country.
  3. Economic impact: The conflict has disrupted economic activities in the region, including agriculture and trade.
  4. Humanitarian crisis: The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, with many people in need of food, shelter, and medical care.

Efforts to Resolve the Crisis:

The Nigerian government has made several efforts to resolve the crisis, including:

  1. Deployment of security forces: The government has deployed security forces to the region to maintain peace and order.
  2. Dialogue and mediation: The government has engaged in dialogue and mediation efforts to resolve the conflict.
  3. Economic development initiatives: The government has launched economic development initiatives to address the root causes of the conflict.

I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any further questions!