Jordan news online

Here are some popular online sources for news about Jordan:

  1. The Jordan Times: The official English-language newspaper of Jordan, providing news, analysis, and opinion pieces on local and regional issues.
  2. Al-Mamlaka TV: The official Jordanian television network, offering news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.
  3. Petra News Agency: A government-run news agency providing news and updates on Jordanian and regional issues.
  4. Jordan News Agency (JNA): A private news agency offering news, analysis, and features on Jordanian and regional issues.
  5. Amman Net: A popular online news portal providing news, analysis, and opinion pieces on Jordanian and regional issues.
  6. The Star: A Jordanian online news portal offering news, analysis, and features on local and regional issues.
  7. Jordan Times Online: The online version of The Jordan Times, providing news, analysis, and opinion pieces on local and regional issues.
  8. Middle East Online: A news portal providing news, analysis, and features on Middle Eastern and North African issues, including Jordan.
  9. Al Jazeera: A Qatari-based news organization providing news, analysis, and features on Middle Eastern and international issues, including Jordan.
  10. BBC News - Jordan: The BBC's online news coverage of Jordan, providing news, analysis, and features on local and regional issues.

These sources provide a range of perspectives and coverage on news and issues related to Jordan.