Jonathan goodluck news

You're looking for news about Jonathan Goodluck, the former President of Nigeria! Here are some recent updates:

Recent News:

  1. Jonathan's Foundation Empowers 1,000 Youths: In October 2022, the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF) announced that it had empowered over 1,000 youths in Nigeria through its various programs, including entrepreneurship, education, and healthcare initiatives.
  2. Jonathan Meets with ECOWAS Leaders: In September 2022, Jonathan attended a meeting of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Accra, Ghana, where he discussed regional security and economic issues with other leaders.
  3. Jonathan's Book on Leadership Released: In August 2022, Jonathan's book, "My Transition Hours," was released. The book chronicles his experiences as President of Nigeria and offers insights on leadership and governance.

Past News:

  1. Jonathan's Presidential Ambitions: In 2020, Jonathan announced his intention to run for president in the 2023 Nigerian general elections, but later withdrew from the race.
  2. Jonathan's Role in the Niger Delta: Jonathan has been involved in efforts to resolve the Niger Delta crisis, which has plagued Nigeria's oil-rich region for decades. He has worked with various stakeholders to promote peace and development in the region.
  3. Jonathan's International Diplomacy: During his presidency, Jonathan maintained good relations with international leaders, including those in the United States, Europe, and Africa. He has continued to engage in international diplomacy since leaving office.

These are just a few updates on Jonathan Goodluck's recent activities. If you're looking for more information, feel free to ask!