Joke news headlines

Here are some joke news headlines for you:

  1. "Nation Horrified by Latest Episode of 'The Bachelor'"
  2. "Area Man Still Unable to Cook Ramen Noodles Without Burning Water"
  3. "Local Cat Found to be Secretly Plotting World Domination"
  4. "Scientists Discover Cure for Monday Morning Blues, Immediately Lose Funding"
  5. "New Study Reveals Most People Would Rather Watch Paint Dry Than Attend Family Reunions"
  6. "Area Woman's Cat Obsession Reaches Critical Mass, Neighbors Beg for Intervention"
  7. "Nation's Pizza Supply Runs Out, Riots Ensue"
  8. "New App Allows Users to Order Pizza, But Only in the Form of a Haiku"
  9. "Area Man's 'I'm Not a Morning Person' Excuse Falls Flat After 12th Cup of Coffee"
  10. "Local Weather Forecast: 100% Chance of Procrastination"
  11. "New Study Reveals Most People Would Rather Give Up Their Favorite Food Than Their Phone"
  12. "Area Man's 'I'm a Morning Person' Excuse Falls Flat After 3rd Alarm Clock"
  13. "Nation's Supply of Avocado Toast Runs Out, Millennials Panic"
  14. "New App Allows Users to Order Avocado Toast, But Only in the Form of a Sonnet"
  15. "Area Woman's 'I'm a Night Owl' Excuse Falls Flat After 9pm Bedtime"
  16. "Local Cat Found to be Secretly a Dog in Disguise, World Shaken"
  17. "Nation's Supply of Netflix Passwords Runs Out, Binge-Watching Comes to a Halt"
  18. "New Study Reveals Most People Would Rather Give Up Their Favorite TV Show Than Their Social Media"
  19. "Area Man's 'I'm a Tech Whiz' Excuse Falls Flat After 5th Time Asking for Help"
  20. "Local Weather Forecast: 100% Chance of Sarcasm"

I hope these joke news headlines bring a smile to your face!