John hagee new book

John Hagee is a well-known Christian author, pastor, and televangelist. He has written many books on various topics related to Christianity, prophecy, and current events. Here are some of his recent books:

  1. "The Power of the Prophetic" (2020) - This book explores the role of prophecy in the Bible and how it relates to current events.
  2. "The Apocalypse: The End Times" (2019) - In this book, Hagee examines the book of Revelation and provides insights into the end times.
  3. "The Seven Wonders of the Biblical World" (2018) - This book explores the seven wonders of the biblical world, including the Garden of Eden, the Ark of Noah, and the Temple of Solomon.
  4. "The Battle for Jerusalem" (2017) - In this book, Hagee discusses the significance of Jerusalem in biblical prophecy and its importance in the end times.
  5. "The New York Times Best Seller: The Apocalypse: The End Times" (2016) - This book is a revised and updated version of Hagee's earlier book on the end times.
  6. "The Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change" (2013) - This book explores the significance of the four blood moons and their connection to biblical prophecy.
  7. "Jerusalem Countdown: A Call to Repentance" (2012) - In this book, Hagee discusses the importance of Jerusalem in biblical prophecy and the need for repentance.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and John Hagee may have written other books as well.