John cena new girlfriend

John Cena, the American professional wrestler, actor, and TV host, has been quite private about his personal life, including his relationships. However, I can give you an update on his recent romantic endeavors.

As of my knowledge cutoff, John Cena has been linked to several women in the past few years, but he has not publicly confirmed any long-term relationships. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Nikki Bella (2012-2018): Cena was in a high-profile relationship with WWE wrestler Nikki Bella from 2012 to 2018. They were engaged for several years before calling off their wedding in April 2018.
  2. Shay Shariatzadeh (2020): Cena was spotted with anesthesiologist Shay Shariatzadeh at a few events in 2020, leading to speculation about a new romance. However, neither of them publicly confirmed the relationship.
  3. Michelle Payne (2020): Cena was also linked to Australian jockey Michelle Payne in 2020, but there hasn't been any official confirmation about their relationship status.

It's worth noting that John Cena is known for his private nature, so he might not publicly discuss his relationships unless he's ready to share the news. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on his personal life, you can follow reputable entertainment news sources or his official social media accounts.