John cena died news

I'm so sorry to hear that you may have heard some false news about John Cena's passing. However, I'm happy to assure you that John Cena is actually alive and well.

There have been no credible reports or announcements from reputable sources confirming John Cena's death. In fact, John Cena is still active in the entertainment industry, and his social media accounts and official website are still active and regularly updated.

It's possible that you may have come across a false or satirical news article or social media post that spread misinformation about John Cena's passing. I understand that this can be distressing and frustrating, especially for fans of the actor and wrestler.

If you're concerned about the accuracy of the news you're consuming, I recommend checking reputable news sources and fact-checking websites to verify the information before sharing or believing it.

In any case, I hope this clears up any confusion, and I'm happy to help you find accurate information about John Cena or any other topic you're interested in!