Joe mettle great jehovah mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel

It seems like you're a fan of Joe Mettle's song "Great Jehovah"!

Here's the information you requested:

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 of "Great Jehovah" by Joe Mettle from various online music stores or streaming platforms. Some popular options include:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Great Jehovah" by Joe Mettle:

Verse 1: You are great, Jehovah, You are great You are mighty, You are powerful, You are great You are the one who holds the universe in place You are the one who holds my life in Your hands

Chorus: Great Jehovah, You are great Great Jehovah, You are mighty Great Jehovah, You are powerful Great Jehovah, You are great

Verse 2: You are the one who spoke and the world was made You are the one who holds the stars in place You are the one who knows the number of my days You are the one who knows the number of my tears

Chorus: Great Jehovah, You are great Great Jehovah, You are mighty Great Jehovah, You are powerful Great Jehovah, You are great

Video: You can find the official music video for "Great Jehovah" by Joe Mettle on YouTube or other video streaming platforms. Here's the link:

Enjoy the song!