Joe biden bets on black voters to rebuild obama coalition

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Joe Biden's campaign strategy to rebuild the Obama coalition, which was a key factor in his 2020 presidential election victory, has been heavily focused on winning over Black voters. Here are some ways he's been doing it:

  1. Building relationships: Biden has been working to build relationships with Black leaders, activists, and community organizers, many of whom were key supporters of Barack Obama's campaigns. He's also been meeting with Black voters in person, listening to their concerns, and sharing his own personal stories of overcoming racism and discrimination.
  2. Policy commitments: Biden has made several policy commitments that are likely to resonate with Black voters, including:
    • Expanding access to affordable healthcare, including Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act.
    • Increasing funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
    • Implementing police reform and addressing systemic racism in law enforcement.
    • Addressing economic inequality through policies like the American Rescue Plan Act.
  3. Surrogates and endorsements: Biden has been surrounded by a diverse group of surrogates and endorsers, including prominent Black politicians, activists, and celebrities. This includes figures like Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and actress Viola Davis.
  4. Voter mobilization: Biden's campaign has been working to mobilize Black voters through grassroots organizing, voter registration drives, and get-out-the-vote efforts. This includes partnerships with organizations like the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Black Voters Matter Fund.
  5. Messaging: Biden's campaign has been emphasizing the importance of unity, equality, and justice, which are core values that resonate with many Black voters. He's also been highlighting his own personal experiences with racism and discrimination, which has helped to build trust and credibility with Black voters.

By focusing on these areas, Biden's campaign is betting that it can rebuild the Obama coalition and win over Black voters in key battleground states. While there are no guarantees in politics, Biden's efforts have been widely praised by Black leaders and activists, who see him as a strong candidate who is committed to addressing the issues that matter most to their community.