Jobbermans secret to discovering more in a candidate than a cv

The art of uncovering the hidden gems in a candidate beyond their CV! Here are some secrets from a seasoned recruiter, Jobberman, to help you discover more in a candidate:

  1. Behavioral Questions: Ask scenario-based questions that require the candidate to provide specific examples from their past experiences. This helps you understand how they handled challenges, worked with others, and made decisions.
  2. Storytelling: Encourage candidates to tell stories about their achievements, failures, and lessons learned. This reveals their thought process, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate effectively.
  3. Open-Ended Questions: Use open-ended questions that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." This allows candidates to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences in more detail.
  4. The "Why" Question: Ask candidates to explain why they're interested in the role, company, or industry. This reveals their motivations, values, and level of research.
  5. The "What" Question: Ask candidates to describe a project or initiative they led or contributed to. This helps you understand their skills, accomplishments, and ability to work independently.
  6. The "How" Question: Ask candidates to explain how they approached a particular challenge or problem. This reveals their thought process, creativity, and ability to adapt.
  7. Role-Playing: Use role-playing exercises to assess the candidate's communication skills, conflict resolution, and ability to work under pressure.
  8. Case Studies: Provide candidates with a hypothetical scenario or case study and ask them to analyze it, identify problems, and propose solutions. This evaluates their critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to think strategically.
  9. The "What's Next" Question: Ask candidates to describe their long-term career goals and how this role fits into their overall plan. This reveals their ambition, motivation, and willingness to grow with the company.
  10. Body Language and Nonverbal Cues: Pay attention to the candidate's body language, tone of voice, and nonverbal cues. These can reveal their confidence, enthusiasm, and level of engagement.
  11. Reference Checks: Verify the candidate's previous work experience and achievements by contacting their references. This helps you confirm their skills, work ethic, and fit for the role.
  12. Assess Their Problem-Solving Skills: Provide candidates with a problem to solve, such as a hypothetical business challenge or a technical issue. This evaluates their analytical skills, creativity, and ability to think critically.
  13. Evaluate Their Communication Skills: Assess the candidate's written and verbal communication skills by asking them to write a short essay or present a topic. This reveals their ability to articulate their thoughts, convey complex ideas, and engage with an audience.
  14. The "What's Your Greatest Strength and Weakness" Question: Ask candidates to describe their greatest strength and weakness. This reveals their self-awareness, humility, and willingness to learn and grow.
  15. The "Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job" Question: Ask candidates to explain why they're leaving their current job. This reveals their motivations, job satisfaction, and potential for future growth.

By incorporating these secrets into your interview process, you'll be able to uncover more about a candidate's skills, experience, and fit for the role, beyond what's listed on their CV.