Jesus new wine

The story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana is one of the most famous miracles in the Bible. It is recorded in John 2:1-11.

The story goes like this: Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana, a town in Galilee. The wedding was a joyous occasion, but the wine had run out. The host of the wedding, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his guests, approached Jesus and asked him to help.

Jesus' mother, Mary, was also present at the wedding, and she noticed that the wine had run out. She told Jesus about the situation, and he replied, "Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come." But Mary told the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."

Jesus then instructed the servants to fill six stone jars with water and take a sample to the master of the banquet. The servants did as Jesus instructed, and when they brought the water to the master, he tasted it and declared it to be the best wine.

This miracle is often seen as a sign of Jesus' divinity and his ability to perform supernatural acts. It is also seen as a foreshadowing of the future, when Jesus will transform the water of baptism into the wine of eternal life.

The story of Jesus turning water into wine has been interpreted in many ways over the centuries. Some have seen it as a symbol of the transformation of the ordinary into the extraordinary, while others have seen it as a demonstration of Jesus' power and authority.

In the Catholic Church, this miracle is often referred to as the "first miracle" of Jesus, and it is seen as a sign of his divinity and his ability to perform miracles. It is also seen as a reminder of the importance of faith and trust in God.

In Jewish tradition, the story of Jesus turning water into wine is seen as a fulfillment of a prophecy in the book of Isaiah, which speaks of a future time when God will pour out his spirit on all people and transform the desert into a garden (Isaiah 44:3-4).

Overall, the story of Jesus turning water into wine is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of God and the importance of faith and trust in him.