Jeremy corbyn joins 100 mps calling ban pro life protesters #

It appears that Jeremy Corbyn, the former Leader of the Opposition in the UK, has joined a group of 100 MPs in calling for a ban on pro-life protesters outside abortion clinics.

According to reports, the MPs have written to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, urging her to introduce new laws to prevent pro-life protesters from demonstrating outside abortion clinics. The move is seen as a response to concerns about the safety and well-being of women accessing abortion services.

Corbyn, who has a long history of supporting reproductive rights, has been a vocal advocate for the rights of women to access safe and legal abortion services. His decision to join the group of MPs calling for a ban on pro-life protesters is likely to be seen as a significant development in the ongoing debate about abortion rights in the UK.

It's worth noting that the move has been met with criticism from some pro-life groups, who argue that the proposed ban would infringe on their right to free speech and peaceful protest. However, many pro-choice advocates have welcomed the move, arguing that it is necessary to protect the safety and well-being of women accessing abortion services.

The debate around abortion is a complex and controversial issue, and it's likely that this development will continue to spark debate and discussion in the coming weeks and months.