Jay z new album cover

You're referring to Jay-Z's latest album cover!

Jay-Z recently released his 14th studio album, "4:44", on June 30, 2017. The album cover features a simple, yet powerful design. It's a black-and-white photograph of a clock ticking away at 4:44 PM, with the album title written in bold, white font across the top.

The clock symbolizes the passing of time, and the significance of the time 4:44 is open to interpretation. Some fans believe it represents the moment when Jay-Z realized he needed to make a change in his life, while others see it as a nod to the idea that time is running out for him to make a lasting impact on the music industry.

The album cover has received widespread acclaim for its minimalist design and the thought-provoking message it conveys. It's a fitting representation of the album's themes, which explore Jay-Z's personal growth, relationships, and his reflections on his life and career.

What do you think of the album cover?