Jay bahd has an upcoming track album with the game nipsey hussle ghana music

I think there may be some misinformation here.

Jay Bahd is a Ghanaian rapper, but I couldn't find any credible sources indicating that he has an upcoming track album with Nipsey Hussle. Nipsey Hussle was an American rapper who passed away on March 31, 2019, so it's not possible for him to collaborate on a track album with Jay Bahd or anyone else.

Nipsey Hussle was a prominent figure in the American hip-hop scene, known for his work with his record label, All Money In, and his community-focused efforts in Los Angeles. While he was alive, he collaborated with many artists, but unfortunately, he is no longer with us.

Jay Bahd, on the other hand, is a Ghanaian rapper known for his energetic flow and catchy lyrics. He has released several singles and has collaborated with other Ghanaian artists, but I couldn't find any information about a track album with Nipsey Hussle.

If you have any more information or a specific source about this collaboration, I'd be happy to help clarify things!