Java string new line

In Java, there are several ways to represent a new line in a string:

  1. Using the newline character (\n): You can use the newline character (\n) to represent a new line in a string. For example:

    String str = "Hello\nWorld";

    This will result in a string that contains two lines: "Hello" and "World".

  2. Using the line separator (System.lineSeparator()): You can use the System.lineSeparator() method to get the platform-specific line separator, which is the character or sequence of characters used to separate lines in a text file. For example:

    String str = "Hello" + System.lineSeparator() + "World";

    This will result in a string that contains two lines: "Hello" and "World", with the platform-specific line separator between them.

  3. Using the println() method: You can use the println() method to print a string to the console, followed by a newline character. For example:

    String str = "Hello";

    This will print "Hello" followed by a newline character, and then "World" followed by a newline character.

  4. Using the String.format() method: You can use the String.format() method to format a string with a newline character. For example:

    String str = String.format("Hello%nWorld");

    This will result in a string that contains two lines: "Hello" and "World", with a newline character between them.

  5. Using the BufferedReader class: You can use the BufferedReader class to read a file line by line, and then concatenate the lines into a single string. For example:

    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"));
    String str = "";
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine())!= null) {
     str += line + "\n";

    This will read a file line by line, and then concatenate the lines into a single string with newline characters between them.

Note that the newline character (\n) is platform-specific, and may not work correctly on all platforms. The System.lineSeparator() method is a more reliable way to get the platform-specific line separator.