Java lang outofmemoryerror unable to create new native thread

The infamous "Unable to create new native thread" OutOfMemoryError!

This error occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runs out of native memory, which is used to create new threads. This can happen when:

  1. Too many threads are created: If your application creates a large number of threads, it can exhaust the native memory available for thread creation.
  2. Native memory is fragmented: If the native memory is fragmented, it can lead to a situation where there is no contiguous block of memory available to create a new thread.
  3. System resources are limited: If the system has limited resources (e.g., RAM, CPU), it can cause the JVM to run out of native memory.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Increase the native memory size: You can increase the native memory size by setting the -XX:MaxNativeMemorySize option when starting your Java application. For example:

    java -XX:MaxNativeMemorySize=1024m YourApplication

    This sets the maximum native memory size to 1024 MB.

  2. Reduce the number of threads: If your application creates a large number of threads, try reducing the number of threads created. You can do this by:

    • Using a thread pool instead of creating threads dynamically.
    • Implementing a thread limit using a ThreadPoolExecutor.
    • Reducing the number of threads created in your application code.
  3. Monitor system resources: Monitor your system resources (e.g., RAM, CPU) to ensure they are not being overwhelmed. You can use tools like top, htop, or System Monitor to monitor system resources.

  4. Use a 64-bit JVM: If you're using a 32-bit JVM, consider switching to a 64-bit JVM, which has a larger address space and can handle more native memory.

  5. Check for memory leaks: If you're experiencing memory leaks, it can cause the JVM to run out of native memory. Use tools like VisualVM or Eclipse Memory Analyzer to identify memory leaks in your application.

  6. Upgrade your JVM: If you're using an older JVM, consider upgrading to a newer version, which may have improved native memory management.

Remember to always monitor your application's performance and system resources to identify potential issues before they become critical.