Java 9 new features

Java 9, released in 2017, introduced several new features and improvements to the Java programming language. Here are some of the notable features:

  1. Java Platform Module System (JPMS): Java 9 introduced a new module system, which allows developers to organize their code into modules and manage dependencies more effectively.
  2. Optional Features: Java 9 introduced a new way to declare optional features, which allows developers to provide alternative implementations for certain features.
  3. Private Methods in Interfaces: Java 9 allowed developers to declare private methods in interfaces, which can be used to provide implementation details without exposing them to the outside world.
  4. Local Variable Type Inference: Java 9 introduced a new feature called local variable type inference, which allows developers to declare local variables without specifying their types.
  5. Reactive Streams API: Java 9 introduced a new API for reactive streams, which provides a way to handle asynchronous data streams in a more efficient and scalable way.
  6. HTTP/2 Support: Java 9 introduced support for HTTP/2, which provides a more efficient and scalable way to transfer data over the web.
  7. Improved Garbage Collection: Java 9 introduced several improvements to the garbage collection algorithm, which can help improve the performance and reliability of Java applications.
  8. Improved Security: Java 9 introduced several security improvements, including improved support for TLS 1.3 and better protection against common web vulnerabilities.
  9. Improved Support for Lambda Expressions: Java 9 introduced several improvements to lambda expressions, including support for lambda expressions in method references and improved error handling.
  10. Improved Support for Functional Programming: Java 9 introduced several improvements to functional programming, including support for functional interfaces and improved support for lambda expressions.
  11. Improved Support for JavaFX: Java 9 introduced several improvements to JavaFX, including support for JavaFX 9 and improved support for JavaFX applications.
  12. Improved Support for Java EE: Java 9 introduced several improvements to Java EE, including support for Java EE 8 and improved support for Java EE applications.

Some of the other notable features and improvements in Java 9 include:

Overall, Java 9 introduced several significant improvements and new features that can help developers build more efficient, scalable, and secure Java applications.