Japans pm abe meets trump says confident can build trust

A historic meeting!

On February 10, 2017, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with United States President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington D.C. The meeting was highly anticipated, as it marked the first face-to-face encounter between the two leaders.

According to reports, Abe arrived at the White House with a sense of caution, but also with a determination to build a strong relationship with Trump. During the meeting, Abe emphasized the importance of the Japan-US alliance and expressed his confidence in building trust with Trump.

Abe reportedly told Trump that he was "confident" that they could build trust, citing their shared values and interests. He also emphasized the need for the two countries to work together to address global challenges, such as North Korea's nuclear program and terrorism.

Trump, known for his unpredictability, seemed to respond positively to Abe's overtures. He praised Japan as a "great ally" and expressed his commitment to strengthening the US-Japan relationship.

The meeting was seen as a significant step in resetting the relationship between the two countries, which had been strained under the previous administration. Abe's visit was also seen as an opportunity for Japan to reassure Trump of its commitment to the alliance and to address any concerns he may have had about Japan's military capabilities.

Overall, the meeting was seen as a positive step forward in the US-Japan relationship, with both leaders expressing a desire to work together to address common challenges and build a stronger partnership.