Japan pm abe seeks to build trust with trump stresses alliance vital

Here's a summary of the article:

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has sought to build trust with US President Donald Trump, emphasizing the importance of the alliance between the two countries. Abe made the comments during a meeting with Trump at the White House on Friday.

Abe stressed that the alliance between Japan and the US is vital for regional and global stability, and that he wants to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. He also praised Trump's commitment to the alliance, saying that he is "very much committed to the alliance" and that he wants to "make it even stronger".

The meeting between Abe and Trump comes at a time of heightened tensions between the US and North Korea, with the US and South Korea conducting joint military exercises and the US considering a pre-emptive strike against North Korea if it feels threatened.

Abe also used the meeting to discuss the issue of trade between the two countries, saying that he wants to "make sure that the trade relationship between Japan and the US is fair and balanced". He also praised Trump's efforts to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico.

Overall, the meeting between Abe and Trump was seen as a significant step in building trust between the two leaders and strengthening the alliance between Japan and the US.