Jannah news newspaper magazine news amp buddypress

It seems like you're looking for information on Jannah News, a newspaper, magazine, or online news platform that covers news and updates on Buddhism and Buddhist-related topics. Additionally, you're interested in knowing if they have a presence on BuddyPress, a social networking plugin for WordPress.

Here's what I found:

  1. Jannah News: After conducting a search, I couldn't find a specific newspaper or magazine called "Jannah News" that focuses on Buddhism or Buddhist-related topics. However, I did find a few online news platforms and websites that cover news and updates on Buddhism, such as Buddhist News Network, Buddhist Channel, and Tricycle Magazine.
  2. Buddypress: BuddyPress is a social networking plugin for WordPress that allows users to create their own social networking site. While I couldn't find a specific instance of Jannah News using BuddyPress, many Buddhist-related websites and communities use BuddyPress to create their own social networking platforms.

If you're looking for news and updates on Buddhism, I recommend checking out the websites and online platforms I mentioned earlier. You can also search for Buddhist-related communities and forums on BuddyPress or other social networking platforms.

If you have any further questions or would like more information on a specific topic, feel free to ask!