Janet jackson new movie

I think you may be mistaken! Janet Jackson is a legendary singer, songwriter, and dancer, but she hasn't been involved in any new movies recently. She has been focused on her music career and has been on tour and releasing new music over the years.

However, Janet Jackson has appeared in a few films throughout her career, including:

  1. Good Times (1977) - a sitcom where she played the role of Penny Gordon Woods.
  2. A New Kind of Family (1979) - a sitcom where she played the role of Samantha "Sam" Madison.
  3. Poetic Justice (1993) - a romantic drama film where she played the lead role of Justice.
  4. The Nutty Professor (1996) - a comedy film where she played the role of Dean Louise Simmons.

If you're looking for information on upcoming movies or projects featuring Janet Jackson, I'd be happy to help you with that!