Janet jackson new album

Janet Jackson has not released a new album in several years. Her most recent studio album was "Unbreakable", which was released on October 2, 2015. However, she has been working on new music and has hinted at releasing a new album in the future.

In 2020, Janet Jackson announced that she was working on a new album, but no release date has been announced yet. She has also been touring and performing live shows, including a residency in Las Vegas.

It's worth noting that Janet Jackson has been focusing on her family and personal life in recent years, and has taken a break from music to prioritize her well-being. However, she has always been a prolific artist and has a dedicated fan base, so it's likely that she will release new music in the future.

Here are some recent updates on Janet Jackson's music:

It's always exciting to hear about new music from Janet Jackson, and fans are eagerly awaiting her next release.