James comey testimony trump asked me to let flynn investigation go #

You're referring to the testimony of James Comey, the former FBI Director, during his Congressional hearing on June 8, 2017. During the hearing, Comey revealed that President Trump had asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, Trump's former National Security Adviser.

According to Comey, Trump made the request during a private meeting at the White House on February 14, 2017. Comey wrote in his memoir "A Higher Loyalty" that Trump said:

"James, I need to get that thing that's causing so much trouble with the Russians taken care of. What I want you to do is state that we've closed the investigation. Get it closed."

Comey testified that he felt uncomfortable with the request and told Trump that he couldn't drop the investigation, as it was a matter of national security. Comey also testified that he told Trump that he couldn't make a decision on the investigation, as it was up to the FBI to determine whether Flynn had committed a crime.

Comey's testimony was significant because it provided evidence that Trump had attempted to interfere with the investigation into Flynn, which was part of the broader investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The investigation was led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May 2017.

Trump has denied Comey's account, claiming that he never asked Comey to drop the investigation and that Comey's testimony was "false." However, Comey's testimony was corroborated by other witnesses, including former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who testified that he had heard Trump ask Comey to drop the investigation.

The controversy surrounding Trump's request to Comey has been the subject of much debate and speculation, with many arguing that it was an attempt to obstruct justice. The Mueller report, which was released in April 2019, concluded that Trump had committed obstruction of justice by attempting to interfere with the investigation, but that he was not charged with the crime due to Justice Department guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting president.