James clapper news

James Clapper is a former United States Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and a retired lieutenant general in the United States Air Force. Here are some recent news articles and updates about James Clapper:

  1. Testimony on Russian interference: In February 2022, Clapper testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about Russian interference in the 2020 US presidential election. He stated that Russia's efforts were "more extensive and more sophisticated" than previously thought.
  2. Criticism of Trump's handling of intelligence: Clapper has been critical of former President Donald Trump's handling of intelligence, particularly his decision to share classified information with Russian officials in 2017. Clapper has also expressed concerns about Trump's willingness to accept intelligence that contradicts his own views.
  3. Support for Biden's national security policies: Clapper has endorsed President Joe Biden's national security policies, including his decision to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal and his efforts to strengthen alliances with European partners.
  4. Book release: In 2021, Clapper released a memoir titled "Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence." The book offers insights into his career in intelligence and his views on national security issues.
  5. Speaking engagements: Clapper has been a frequent speaker on national security issues, appearing at events such as the Aspen Security Forum and the Munich Security Conference.
  6. Advocacy for intelligence reform: Clapper has called for reforms to the US intelligence community, including the creation of a new position to oversee the intelligence agencies and the establishment of a national intelligence directorate.
  7. Criticism of Trump's handling of COVID-19: Clapper has been critical of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, stating that the administration's response was "inadequate" and "ineffective."
  8. Support for Ukraine: Clapper has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine, calling for increased US support for the country in its conflict with Russia.
  9. Testimony on China: In 2020, Clapper testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about the threat posed by China, stating that the country's growing military power and economic influence posed a significant challenge to US national security.
  10. Awards and recognition: Clapper has received numerous awards and honors for his service, including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates about James Clapper. As a former high-ranking intelligence official, Clapper continues to be a prominent voice on national security issues.