Jamb cbt latest news

Here are the latest news and updates on JAMB CBT:

Latest News

  1. JAMB Extends Deadline for 2023 UTME Registration: The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has extended the deadline for the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) registration to February 26, 2023.
  2. JAMB Introduces New Features for 2023 UTME: The board has introduced new features for the 2023 UTME, including a new biometric verification system and an improved candidate dashboard.
  3. JAMB Warns Candidates Against Fake Registration Centers: The board has warned candidates against patronizing fake registration centers, urging them to only register at authorized centers.
  4. JAMB Releases 2023 UTME Brochure: The board has released the 2023 UTME brochure, which contains information on available courses, admission requirements, and other relevant details.
  5. JAMB Introduces New Payment Option for 2023 UTME: The board has introduced a new payment option for the 2023 UTME, allowing candidates to pay with their debit cards or mobile wallets.

Recent Updates

  1. JAMB Announces 2023 UTME Exam Dates: The board has announced the exam dates for the 2023 UTME, which will take place from April 29 to May 12, 2023.
  2. JAMB Releases 2022 UTME Results: The board has released the results of the 2022 UTME, which were taken by over 1.7 million candidates.
  3. JAMB Warns Against Fake Results: The board has warned against the circulation of fake UTME results, urging candidates to only accept results from authorized sources.
  4. JAMB Introduces New Biometric Verification System: The board has introduced a new biometric verification system to ensure the integrity of the UTME registration process.
  5. JAMB Partners with Banks to Improve Payment Options: The board has partnered with several banks to improve payment options for candidates registering for the UTME.

Tips and Reminders

  1. Register Early: Register early to avoid last-minute rush and ensure a smooth registration process.
  2. Verify Your Details: Verify your details carefully to avoid errors that may lead to disqualification.
  3. Choose Your Exam Date Wisely: Choose your exam date wisely to avoid conflicts with other important events.
  4. Prepare Well: Prepare well for the exam by studying hard and practicing with sample questions.
  5. Stay Informed: Stay informed about the latest news and updates from JAMB to avoid any last-minute surprises.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!