Jamaica breaking news of a girl with human face

I'm not aware of any recent breaking news about a girl with a human face in Jamaica. It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or satirical article or social media post.

However, I can suggest some reputable news sources in Jamaica that you can check for accurate and up-to-date news:

  1. The Jamaica Observer: One of the leading newspapers in Jamaica, with a wide range of news coverage.
  2. The Gleaner: Another prominent newspaper in Jamaica, with a focus on local and international news.
  3. Loop Jamaica: A popular online news source that covers news, sports, and entertainment in Jamaica.
  4. Jamaica Information Service (JIS): The official government news agency of Jamaica, providing news and information on government activities and initiatives.

If you have any specific information or a link to the article you're referring to, I'd be happy to help you verify the accuracy of the news.