Jacob zuma latest news

Jacob Zuma is a former President of South Africa who served from 2009 to 2018. Here are some of the latest news updates about him:

Recent Developments:

  1. Corruption Charges: Zuma is facing corruption charges related to a $2.5 billion arms deal in the 1990s. He has been accused of taking bribes from French arms company Thales. The charges were reinstated in 2018, and Zuma has been ordered to appear in court.
  2. State Capture Inquiry: Zuma is also facing allegations of state capture, which refers to the manipulation of government policies and institutions for personal gain. The inquiry, led by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, has been investigating allegations of corruption and abuse of power during Zuma's presidency.
  3. Health Concerns: Zuma has been hospitalized several times in recent years, including for a reported lung infection and a heart condition. His health has been a subject of concern, and there have been rumors about his possible death.
  4. ANC Politics: Zuma is still a member of the African National Congress (ANC), the ruling party in South Africa. However, his relationship with the party has been strained, and he has been accused of trying to undermine the current leadership.

Recent News Articles:

  1. Zuma's Corruption Trial Delayed Again (News24, March 2023): Zuma's corruption trial has been delayed again, with the next hearing scheduled for May 2023.
  2. Zuma's Health Concerns Spark Fears for His Safety (The Guardian, February 2023): Zuma's health concerns have sparked fears for his safety, with some calling for him to be protected from harm.
  3. Zuma's State Capture Inquiry Testimony Delayed (Business Day, January 2023): Zuma's testimony in the state capture inquiry has been delayed, with the inquiry's chairperson citing Zuma's health concerns as the reason.
  4. Zuma's ANC Membership Under Threat (The Times, December 2022): Zuma's ANC membership is under threat, with some party members calling for him to be expelled due to his alleged role in state capture.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I am not a thief, I am not a corrupt person." - Jacob Zuma, in an interview with the BBC in 2020.
  2. "I am not afraid of going to jail, I am not afraid of anything." - Jacob Zuma, in an interview with the SABC in 2020.
  3. "The ANC is not a party of thieves, it is a party of the people." - Jacob Zuma, in a speech to ANC supporters in 2020.

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of news articles and quotes may vary depending on the source.