Jack hayford new wife

Jack Hayford, the renowned Christian pastor and songwriter, has been married to his wife, Anna Hayford, for over 50 years. They were married in 1963 and have been together ever since.

Anna Hayford has been a constant support to Jack throughout his ministry, and has been involved in various aspects of his work, including music and evangelism. She has also been a strong advocate for women's ministry and has spoken at numerous conferences and events.

Despite being married for many years, Jack and Anna Hayford's relationship is still strong and vibrant. They have been an inspiration to many, and their love for each other and for the Lord has been a testament to the power of a godly marriage.

It's worth noting that Jack Hayford is now 88 years old, and Anna is 84 years old. While they are still active in ministry, they have slowed down a bit in recent years, but they continue to be a blessing to many through their music, teaching, and example of a godly marriage.