Jack dorsey new app

You're referring to the latest venture from Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square!

Jack Dorsey has recently launched a new app called "Blue Sky", which is a decentralized social media platform that aims to provide a more open and community-driven alternative to traditional social media platforms.

Here are some key features and details about Blue Sky:

Decentralized: Blue Sky is built on blockchain technology, which means that it's not controlled by a single entity or corporation. Instead, it's a decentralized network where users can participate and contribute to the platform's development.

Open-source: The app's code is open-source, which allows developers to modify and improve the platform.

Community-driven: Blue Sky is designed to be a community-driven platform, where users can participate in discussions, share content, and contribute to the platform's development.

No algorithms: Unlike traditional social media platforms, Blue Sky doesn't use algorithms to curate content. Instead, users can see all posts from their followers in chronological order.

No ads: Blue Sky doesn't display ads, which means that users won't be bombarded with commercial content.

Focus on long-form content: Blue Sky is designed to encourage long-form content, such as essays, articles, and discussions, rather than short-form posts like tweets.

Beta launch: Blue Sky is currently in beta testing, and the app is only available to a limited number of users. However, the team plans to expand the platform to more users in the future.

Overall, Blue Sky is an interesting experiment in decentralized social media, and it will be exciting to see how it develops and evolves over time.