Iwd unity bank ceo tasks women on excellence

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Unity Bank CEO Tasks Women on Excellence

The Chief Executive Officer of Unity Bank, Mrs. Oluwatoyin Mophiri, has tasked women to strive for excellence in their various endeavors, emphasizing that it is only through hard work and dedication that they can achieve their goals.

Speaking at a recent event, Mrs. Mophiri encouraged women to shun mediocrity and instead aim for greatness, citing her own experiences as a woman in a male-dominated industry. She noted that women often face unique challenges, but that these challenges can also be opportunities for growth and development.

"Women have the potential to excel in any field, but we must be willing to put in the effort and make sacrifices," Mrs. Mophiri said. "We must also support and uplift each other, rather than competing against each other."

Mrs. Mophiri also emphasized the importance of mentorship and role models, stating that women can learn a great deal from each other and benefit from the experiences and wisdom of those who have come before them.

"I am proud to be a woman in a leadership position, and I hope to inspire other women to follow in my footsteps," Mrs. Mophiri said. "We must continue to push boundaries and challenge ourselves to be the best we can be."

Overall, Mrs. Mophiri's message was one of empowerment and encouragement, urging women to strive for excellence and to support each other in their pursuit of success.