Itv news west country

ITV News West Country is a regional news program that serves the West Country region of England, which includes the counties of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Dorset, and parts of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire.

The program is broadcast on ITV West Country, which is a regional television franchise that is owned by ITV plc. ITV News West Country is produced by a team of journalists and presenters based in Plymouth, Devon, and is broadcast Monday to Friday at 6:00 pm and 10:30 pm.

The program covers local news, sport, and weather for the West Country region, as well as national and international news. It also features in-depth reporting on major stories and events affecting the region, as well as human-interest stories and features.

Some of the key presenters and reporters on ITV News West Country include:

ITV News West Country can be watched on ITV West Country, which is available on Freeview, Sky, Virgin Media, and online through the ITV Hub.