Itd be a tragedy if liverpool were denied premier league title due to coronavirus pearson

I think there may be a few issues with your statement!

Firstly, the Premier League is a professional football league in England, and Liverpool is a football club that plays in that league. The Premier League season typically runs from August to May, and the title is awarded to the team that accumulates the most points over the course of the season.

Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus, has indeed had a significant impact on the world, including the world of sports. Many sports leagues and events have been postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic, including the Premier League.

However, the Premier League has taken steps to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the season, including implementing measures such as behind-closed-doors matches, testing and tracing, and adjusting the schedule to ensure the season can be completed safely.

As for Liverpool, they are currently leading the Premier League table and are strong contenders for the title. While it's impossible to predict the future, it's unlikely that the Premier League title would be denied to Liverpool due to the pandemic, as the league has taken steps to ensure the season can be completed safely and fairly.

So, while the pandemic has certainly caused disruptions to the sports world, it's unlikely that Liverpool's title hopes would be denied due to the pandemic.